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Knowing the signs of hearing

How would you know if you have a hearing loss? Hearing loss often starts slowly and symptoms can take years to be visible as it progresses over time. Age-related hearing loss that is the most common type of hearing loss can shift so gradually that you may not realize how much you are missing. As hearing decays, you may subconsciously adjust everyday activities and social interactions to cope with hearing difficulties. In time, you may not notice how hearing loss has diminished your ability to live your life to its fullest. 

There are different signs of hearing loss and it starts with everyday discontentment. Some are obvious, others are profound. If you or any of your near one is showing the following signs, it is encouraged to you to make an appointment for a complimentary hearing assessment.

People are whisper; this could indicate a hearing loss.
You might have noticed that certain words are difficult to understand. People, particularly women and children, may talk too softly or not uttering their words. You always find yourself saying ‘what did you say’ all the time. If this happens to you, you may be experiencing hearing loss.

Restaurants are too loud
Restaurants are among the hardest places to find a way for people with untreated hearing loss. Noises in the surroundings’, such as clinking dishes, people speak loudly at other tables and loud music all make it exceptionally challenging to follow a conversation.

Social gatherings aren’t fun anymore
The passionate talk of people, music, laughter and other sounds can make it harder to take part in get-togethers with family and friends. Perhaps you find yourself sitting isolated from the fun or heading home early.

Telephone conversations are a struggle
Telephones and especially the mobile phone, communication is not perfect. Most people can fill in the gaps. Hearing loss complicates the problem and you may struggle to take in the information. This led you to ignore phone calls and the choice of texting.

High volume is a sign of hearing loss
If your family and friends complain that you turn up the volume too loud when you watch television or listen to music, but you think the volume is fine, you may be experiencing a recognized sign of hearing loss.  Are you tired of the steady battle to enjoy TV with family or friends at a sound level that makes everyone happy? It might be significant to check your hearing if only to make your family happy.

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New Life Hearing Aid Center


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